Podcasts on Buddhism Philosophy and Practice
Podcast Creator: Jayaram V
A Comparative Study of Consciousness in Buddhism and Hinduism
Feb 27, 2022
Ancient Indians were pioneers in the study of human consciousness. As early as 1000 BCE, they developed several contemplative and mindfulness techniques to study consciousness and understand its powers and potentials to improve one’s life, knowledge and intelligence or manifest one’s desires or open communication channels with gods and supernatural beings or resolve human suffering. They tried to harness the power of the mind to manifest reality and fulfill their desire for peace and happiness. In this podcast, we present a comparative review of consciousness in Buddhism and Hinduism, and how they are similar and dissimilar and attuned to their respective beliefs and practices and the methods they use for self-purification and liberation. .
Contemplation Upon Dukkha or Suffering - A Buddhist Perspective
Feb 26, 2020
An insight into the nature of Dukkha or suffering from the Buddhist perspective, which is helpful to cope with suffering with equanimity and detachment.
A Brief Account of the Jhanas in Buddhism
Dec 10, 2017
This is a small talk on the meaning and significance of Jhanas in Buddhist spiritual practice. Jhana is the Pali equivalent of the Sanskri word, Dhyana, which means meditation. In Buddhism, Jhana refers to both meditation and the state of meditative absorption. Four such Jhanas were identified by the Buddha, each having...
Is Buddhism a Spiritual Religion?
Nov 5, 2017
Buddhism is an unconventional religion. Many people are not conversant with its true nature. In this audio presentation the author discusses whether Buddhism can truly be considered a spiritual religion or a materialistic one. The complete script of this podcast is available at...
Readings From Dhammapada
Jan 7, 2014
Readings from the Dhammapada, 1st Chapter, Translation by Max Muller, Read by Jayaram V
Samsara and Nirvana
Dec 30, 2013
An excerpt from the book the Gospel of the Buddha by Paul Carus. You may find the entire text at Hinduwebsite.com in the Sacred Scriptures Archives
The Meaning and Significance of Nirvana
Jan 9, 2013
What is Nirvana? To understand what Nirvana is or what Nirvana means, you should have some knowledge of eastern religions or philosophies, especially Sanatana Dharma, known as Hinduism, Buddha Dharma known as Buddhism, and Jain Dharma known as Jainism. This word, Nirvana, is used commonly in all the three religions, but...
You are a Bubble in the Ocean of Existence
Jun 30, 2015
You are a bubble in the ocean of existence. That bubble is your individuality. It creates the veil of separation between you and the rest of the world as subject and object. When you remove the veil and burst the bubble you become the One seer who sees all with a thousand eyes and with hands and feet everywhere.
Healing Compassion
Sep 13, 2013
Know the power of healing compassion and how it can transform you and others. Compassion is the most sublime and powerful emotion. With compassion you not only heal others but also heal yourself.